The Scopes Monkey Trial: Then and Now
Doug has taught several classes for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Berkshire Community College. These classes each consist of six 90 minute lectures.
In the Spring 2019, Doug taught “The Scopes Monkey Trial: Then and Now.” What most people know (or think they know) about the Scopes trial comes from the movie “Inherit The Wind.” The actual trial is even more fascinating. The course includes an overview of how the Scopes trial came to be held in Dayton, Tennessee; an extensive review of the actual trial transcript; an in-depth look at “Inherit The Wind;” and finally a review of the legal legacy of the Scopes trial. (Doug is preparing to reprise that course in the Spring 2025 in anticipation of the 100th anniversary of the trial in July 2025.)
The Songs of Woody's Children
In the Spring 2020, Doug taught “The Songs of Woody’s Children.” Pete Seeger said that all folksingers who came after Woody Guthrie were Woody’s Children. In this course, Doug began by examining the music and activism of Seeger, followed by discussing the songs of Tom Paxton, Phil Ochs, Peter Paul & Mary, Yip Harburg, Tom Chapin, Christine Lavin, Aztec Two-Step and many others. You can find a video recording of Doug’s own song “Woody’s Children” at
The Values of Aaron Sorkin: The West Wing and Beyond
In the Spring of 2021, Doug taught “The Values of Aaron Sorkin: The West Wing and Beyond.” The poet Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote in his 1821 essay “A Defence of Poetry”: “Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.” In this course, Doug argued that Aaron Sorkin is such a poet.